Ipod Watch Strap – Another Innovative Apple Accessories

You might still remember Apple Peel 520, an apple accessory which transforms iPod Touch to iPhone. Until now, many of us still remember the magic of such gadget. At present, an iPod watch project explodes online. The accessory could incorporate Apples latest tiny multitouch iPod into a wristwatch. The wrist “dock” on the accessory could hold the Nano in place tightly.
The strap product for iPod is available on the market long time ago, like this Sports Arm Band Strap for iPod Nano 3G from PICKEGG. Made of soft durable neoprene, it offers maximal protection to Ipod Nano 3G. With the help of this strap, your iPod 3G resists moisture, scratches, and wear and tear more effectively. But the available accessory on the market couldn’t transform iPod such stylishly and beautifully like the magic iPod watch strap.

The transformed iPod with the help of iPod watch strap looks so fashionable, great for those who pursue taste, style and fashion. Instead of just looping a band through the device’s rear clip, the item could hold your digital timepiece in position because it applies simple, one-click locking mechanism. You might worry that the audio cord would not be so easy inserted into iPod. Just like iPhone bumpers, although positioned stably, the audio cord has their access without uninstalling the accessory. The product is made from polycarbonate plastics and silicone, durable enough to endure occasional gym visit.

Is this iPod watch strap available on the market now? Americans could order their products. Other people in other countries might have to wait for a while. Only a few online stores have such kind of products.
Since the beginning, this strap receives more attention than Apple Peel 520. Apple’s development motivates Apple accessories improvement as well as Apple clone product boom. Be careful about fake or substandard products no matter what you purchase.